My 13-year-old guide on An Bình island An Bình island (or small island) is one of the two islands of Lý Sơn island district. I met this little girl on the boat ride to small island and she became my guide. The beach in this photo is called "Bãi Chắp Tiên" ( Đảo An Bình hay Đảo Bé là một trong hai hòn đảo thuộc huyện đảo Lý Sơn. Tôi gặp cô bé này trên tàu ra Đảo Bé và cô bé dẫn tôi thăm quan đảo. Đây là bãi biển Chắp Tiên) |
This is Part 3 of my 7-day trip to the Central Vietnam (from 3 Aug to 9 Aug 2012). When I said “I would like to go to small island”, the local people on Lý Sơn island understood it was “An Binh island” as they often say so. Lý Sơn island district consits of two islands which are Lý Sơn island and An Bình island. While Lý Sơn island has two communes with about 21,000 people, there is only one commune on An Bình island and it has the same name An Bình. It is a small island with over 100 households, ie about 500 people. I heard that the landscape on this island is very beautiful, the beaches are clean and the locals use solar energy to supply power for themselves. One of my uncles used to live on this island when he was young. He was a soldier in the army at the time and he said it was hard to live over there due to the lack of water. One of his duties was to help local people plant garlic trees on the fields. I was very excited to go and see the small island in reality.
Local boats on the island Just arrived at the island. |
Monday, 6 Aug 2012 – My motorbike taxi driver whom I traveled with the day before came to knock at the door of my room at 7am. He said he already asked the boat owner to take care of me during my visit to the small island. Every day there is only one boat going between the two islands. It leaves Lý Sơn island at 7:30am and goes back at 2pm. Actually, there are only two wooden boats on this route which are used for carrying both passengers and goods, but one by one works based on its schedule. One of these boats is always available on An Bình island in case of emergency and someone needs to go to the mainland for medical treatment. Because there is no guesthouse nor restaurant on An Bình island, I had to go back to Lý Sơn island on the same day. The boat ride takes 20 minutes and ticket is very cheap, only US$1. I had to sit on the front side of the boat. There are some local passengers who came to An Bình island for visiting their relatives.
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